Political Correctness wins

No more.

The end of poli­ti­cal car­toons in the NYT

We are in a world whe­re mora­li­stic mobs gather on social media and rise like a storm. Patrick Cha­pat­te

The New York Times announ­ced that it would no lon­ger publish dai­ly poli­ti­cal car­toons in its inter­na­tio­nal edi­ti­on and ended its rela­ti­onship with two con­tract car­too­nists – Patrick Chapp­at­te und Heng Kim Song.

Two months ear­lier, The Times had stop­ped run­ning syn­di­ca­ted poli­ti­cal car­toons, after one with anti-Semi­tic imagery was prin­ted in the Opi­ni­on sec­tion of the inter­na­tio­nal edition.

Poli­ti­cal car­toons were born with democracy

Last year, for the first time in its histo­ry, The Times had won a Pulit­zer Pri­ze for poli­ti­cal cartooning—a series that told the sto­ry of a Syri­an refu­gee fami­ly.

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