The Russians love their children too

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In Euro­pe and Ame­ri­ca there’s a gro­wing fee­ling of hysteria …

Aus gege­be­nem Anlass. 

In Euro­pe and Ame­ri­ca there’s a gro­wing fee­ling of hys­te­ria
Con­di­tio­ned to respond to all the thre­ats
In the rhe­to­ri­cal spee­ches of the Soviets
Mis­ter Khrush­chev said, ‚We will bury you’
I don’t sub­scri­be to this point of view
It’d be such an igno­rant thing to do
If the Rus­si­ans love their child­ren too

How can I save my litt­le boy
From Oppenheimer’s dead­ly toy?
The­re is no mono­po­ly of com­mon sen­se
On eit­her side of the poli­ti­cal fence
We share the same bio­lo­gy
Regard­less of ideo­lo­gy
Belie­ve me when I say to you
I hope the Rus­si­ans love their child­ren too

The­re is no his­to­ri­cal pre­ce­dent to put
The words in the mouth of the pre­si­dent
There’s no such thing as a win­nable war
It’s a lie we don’t belie­ve any­mo­re
Mis­ter Rea­gan says ‚We will pro­tect you’
I don’t sub­scri­be to this point of view
Belie­ve me when I say to you
I hope the Rus­si­ans love their child­ren too

We share the same bio­lo­gy
Regard­less of ideo­lo­gy
What might save us, me and you
Is if the Rus­si­ans love their child­ren too

Think about it. 

ППоду́май хороше́нько!

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